Hey guys! I feel like I haven’t done a blog for quite some time, so I’m super stoked to be a part of this week. I think it’s safe to say that February has had its highs and lows in a few different ways. I’ve enjoyed spending time with the girl community, which has come with getting a little lack of sleep due to late-night talks. It has affected how I am in class, depending on how tired I am, but I sure do love hanging with the girls.
Speaking of class, this week in bib interp, we talked about hospitality and what that looks like. Jen led it very well. Side note: I really do love Jen. She is such a great listener and never fails to make me laugh. The relationship that the staff have with the students have been really cool to see and definitely one of the highlights of the program for me.

This week was really relaxing, I didn’t do a whole lot. I have been sick and have had a cough for a week and it has been difficult breathing. Nevertheless I haven’t passed Philippians so I have had to be waking up at 5:50 to make it to breakfast club at 6. But we have had 2 6 ams this week, so I have had to wake up at 4:50 twice. I feel fine mentally, but physically I am exhausted. I lost all of my motivation for Philippians and I just want more sleep. I am looking forward to the LA trip though, lots of rest hopefully. But I am nervous of being a hericy and making a fool of Jesus. I trust the spirit that I may be led to say wise things and not foolish things. We have had a speak this week who was a philosopher, and he was interesting. He spoke on the trees, which I thought was funny. But his other speaking’s have been meaningful and adding to what we have recently learned. We have learned recently about asking good questions, and the fundamentals of thinking. Lots of people know apologetics but do not know when or how to use it in a meaningful method, this whole year we have learned of many apologetic things, now we are learning how to speak and use them.
-Derrick (Current Student)
This week at Joshua we had the pleasure of listening to another amazing speaker named Fred Blackburn. He went through 3 major worldviews, Pantheism which means Everything is God, Buddhism and being enlightened to a state of no more desires, and Islam which is an offshoot of Christianity that denies the divinity of Jesus and adds Muhammad as the final prophet. He also loves the trees, seeing the beauty God created in them and constantly visiting all kinds that he happily told us about. Besides the speaker everyone has been pretty tired this week and is ready for some more sleep. Peace!