
Dinner in the Community

Hey guys, Tiffany here coming to you guys from one of the many hammocks on base. I am in the community healthcare site and work with Dr. Fernando Gonzalez and Katie Wulf, RN. Today, we held a clinic at Mata Platano, a small community on the side of the mountain. This community is made of mostly just one family. The location of the clinic is underneath a pair of mango trees on a bench on the side of the road. We took blood pressure and pulse of the patients. In addition, we helped Dr. Fernando by counting out pills and putting them into little bags with instructions on when to take them. Tonight, we visited families in the local communities around the base. My site group went to Juana’s house. Juana is one of Dr. Fernando’s patients. We hung out and ate rice, beans, stewed chicken and potato salad. After dinner, we sat around and drank coffee and shared fun facts about ourselves. Juana’s husband pulled out an accordion and started playing different songs with Fernando accompanying him on the guitar. Before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye to our new friends. We prayed over their family and then began to depart. Currently, we have some free time before bed to hang out and talk about our evening with each other. With that, I leave you. See you soon!!

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