
DR Day 5!

The Dominican Republic has been amazing. I was placed in the baseball site where 6 of my Joshua brothers and I get our butts handed to us by a bunch of 10-15 year olds. And honestly it’s a blast. We help them to practice whether that’s in the cages or on the field. At the end of the day one of us has the opportunity to lead a devotional while our site leader translates for us. It has been so amazing playing along side the kids and building friendships that surpass shared language.

On Saturday we took a break from our sites and got to go on a white water rafting trip. Not only was the trip refreshing but it also got my adrenaline pumping. We left the compound at about 9 in the morning via several open air busses and arrived at the location around 9:30. As we prepared to take off we prepped our rafts and our guide came to teach us same basic phrases such as forward, backward, and stop. It quickly became apparent that that was about all the English the man knew. Once we got on the way it was so much fun and there was a lot of screaming by my sisters in Christ. There was one giant drop that they called Mike Tyson City. After that though I took an opportunity to bull ride which means sitting on the very front of the raft and riding it like a bull. So far this trip has been amazing and I can’t wait to see what else God has for me.

-AJ (Current Student)

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