


Hello everyone, Can anyone else believe that in less than 3 days, we will be getting in a van to head down to LAX and then hop on an airplane where that plane will take us to the Dominican Republic! Yes, the Dominican Republic, it’s crazyyy! But this week has been exciting, fun, busy, and overall, a week where we can just come to God and say thank you for all the blessings that he

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First Winter Camp!

Hello, my dear friends and family! We have now been at JWI for four months. We have also completed “week one, take one” of Hume Lake Winter Camp 2023!! Woohoo! My roommate, Baylee, and I worked as referees for the girls’ broom hockey tournaments. That included the Kurth Cup Final Championship! I felt a lot of pressure, but it turned out to be a pretty fun gig. The girls teams played the whole eight minutes

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Hello everyone, I am so excited to announce that in less than 4 days, we will be reaching our 4 month mark of being at JWI. This week has been filled with so much joy, from hanging out with preview students, hearing Erik Thoennes speak, studying out of Philippians, and finishing up our first semester classes. This week was the first time this year for young adults who are interested in JWI to come up

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Hi all, This blog is going to be a little different because I won’t be describing my time at Joshua in the building. Instead, I’ll be sharing about my break spent at home! So here it goes… Overall break was a pretty positive experience. I got to spend time with friends and family and I celebrated the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ in many ways. I stayed with my grandparents at the beginning of

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Friends!   Can you believe that it is already time for another program break!? By Friday evening, The Joshua Lodge will be empty once again as we students all head off to various places for Christmas!   There has been no shortage of festivity in the past week, and may it continue! We had no speaker with us, so life around here has mostly been classes and community time—but with our evenings free we have been able

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Dear friends and family,  This is my second time writing for the blog and we’re now about three months in. I can’t believe how much has happened in just 90 days! This week was an exciting one as we were looking forward to the theme night we had all been waiting for, formal night!   Before I get into that I want to tell you how the rest of the week went! Sunday was definitely

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