


With Thanksgiving break behind us, the lodge is now gleaming in the full splendor of Christmas! From ornaments dangling off Morty’s antlers, to our twelve-foot Christmas tree, to snow falling on the first of December—all seems magical. You can rest assured that we here at the Joshua Wilderness Institute are making full use of this advent season, as we ourselves were the ones decorating the lodge, and have joyously begun to sing praise of Jesus’

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I had a moment this week where I felt sad to be leaving for break. I am so excited to get on a plane and see my family back home, but I have grown to love and cherish my time with everyone here. Though we are all excited about the break, this was an enjoyable week in the building. We had Cory Fenn as our speaker and he did a fantastic job of laying out

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Hello everybody, I am so happy to say that this week, we officially made it past the 2 month mark of being here!! This week has been filled with so much joy and excitement but also times of worshiping and studying. This week, we got our first big batch of snow, and when we had free time, you already know we threw the snow pants on, zipped up our jackets, jumped in our snow boots,

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Hello everyone, Last week, my Joshua friends and I set out on our first mission trip to Hume So-Cal. Last week, the whole group had the opportunity to be able to serve in a bunch of different ways, which went from building an ice rink, cutting down trees, digging trenches, building shelves, and so much more! After a long hard day’s work, we all got to walk down to the lookout point and were able

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Week 5

I’ve experienced a plethora of emotions while living here at Joshua. Each day is loaded with different things, varying from classes, activities, work, events, and more. Sometimes it feels like I can never catch a break and I’m left feeling stressed and overwhelmed. However, I realized there is something that we do every single day in Joshua that gives us some much-needed relief. That thing is solo time. Solo time is one hour every morning

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We have officially passed the one-month mark here at Joshua and I have to say that it has been pretty amazing. There have been some ups and downs, but overall it has been such a blessing to be here. My favorite moment so far is when all of the girls stampeded across the hall on the second floor and started jumping and singing “Cotton-Eyed Joe” while the boyswere having a meeting in the room below.

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