

God is Good!

Hey guys, it’s Kenzie! Today was our last day in LA. We started off by heading to IHOP. It was a great meal: pancakes, eggs, bacon/sausage, hash browns, and of course coffee. After this we went to the Museum of Tolerance. For some of us, this was the first time, but others we’ve been there before. This was the second time I’ve been there, but something happened that was a surprise to us all. We

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Loving Others

Today was super fun! We went to the LA Food Bank in the morning and got to be a small part of the food distribution process there. Our whole class was able to be part of sorting through and labeling food from a big conveyer belt and then placing it on pallets to go out to mission organizations like the Dream Center. After that we had the sweet opportunity to drive down to Santa Monica

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The Work We’re Called To Do

Hello all you Joshua blog readers! It’s Hannah writing this day’s entry and I have loads to tell you. So I woke up bright and early at 430 am. About half of us got ready by 5 am and we headed out to different homeless shelters to help serve breakfast. I went to a place called Midnight Missions and I was scooping potatoes for a couple of hours like at a cafeteria. Midnight Missions is

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The Dream Center

This morning we left the church around 8am. We drove to the DreamCenter which is near Echo Park. The lady who works at the DreamCenter told us about how the ministry was first started and how they started small and began working in people. Their ministry grew and grew because they trusted in God. We started to fill the truck with food and it went quickly because we have learned to work as a team.

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Made it to LA!

Today our class made it to Los Angeles! We left at 7:30 am and made it at 2:30. Once we made it to MacArthur park, our LA leader, Jeff, gave us some tips for walking around. We then passed out applesauce and water bottles to homeless people for 2 hours. It was a good experience talking to complete strangers and being stretched of our comfort zones. Some of us were even able to share the

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Preparing for LA!

Hey, I’m Shalom. I’ve never written the blog before, so bear with me. This past Wednesday, we had some preparation time for our LA trip! Sam briefly gave us the run down of what a lot of our time will look like, particularly when we’re on the streets having conversations with people. She shared a evangelism method she learned called the Three Circles method. This uses common language and universally recognized things we see in

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