

Snow Everywhere!

This past weekend all of us unexpectedly had the weekend off!! It was really cool to see all 43 of us hanging out in the building for the weekend. A couple groups decided to go snow shoe-ing. Over the weekend, they had hiked over 16 miles. Everyone said it was worth it and the pictures looked amazing! Another group had gone to Grant’s Grove during the weekend, but the majority of the students decided to

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Disney Night!

We had Disney Theme Night tonight and it was awesome. First we had to dress up as a Disney character, and there were so many great costumes. Someone dressed up as a chimney sweeper from Mary Poppins, another person dressed up as a storm trooper from Star Wars, and another person dressed up as Woody from Toy Story. After we got dressed up, we took pictures outside and it was snowing! It was truly a

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Continue to Strive for Christ

“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.” (Philippians 3:8) Day in and day out, I desire the reality of this Scripture to fully impact the lives of the people I interact with. From family and friends to people I meet in passing,

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God Handpicked Us To Be Here

Hola, Lynsey here. Today was the sweetest day. we started off the morning with breakfast and devos then went right to work! Some people picked up where they left off, chipping away at the cement then filling it up so the paths are smooth, a crew was fixing up the bikes, we had a group out on the street cleaning up around the entrance of the orphanage and then the rest of us were on

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What Love Looks Like

Today began like the others. A bright light shining in my face as Kyle flipped the switch inside our dank, smelly room. Breakfast consisted of eggs, beans, and bread with our new friends. Work assignments were given out once again and a good portion of the Joshua students ran to the vans to go down to the local elementary school, still in desperate need of attention. Following yesterday’s work, there was still much to do

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Serving, beaches, and tacos!

Today is our third day in Mexico! Today the majority of the group went down to the school. We raked a lot of leaves, picked up all the trash, dug holes, put in tires for the field, and some people cleaned bathrooms. It was really cool to see where all the children go to school and see them learn and play with their friends. Another group dug holes to clean a drainage pipe and others

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