What an amazing week it’s been here at Hume SoCal. After the long, winding drive from our home in Sierras to Green Valley Lake in the San Bernardino forest, the last thing everyone wanted to do was “squeeze every last drop of energy” out of us, according to camp director Bob. We were won over, however, by his persistent thankfulness and genuine excitement to see the camp transformed by our hard work.
My assignment for the week was wood splitting; lots and lots of wood splitting. My perspective on our work took a definite journey throughout the three days. I began with the anticipation of swinging axes around and ripping apart logs with my bare hands, unleashing the lumberjack energy within. The first day took a turn when I started getting exhausted with every motion. Stacking, splitting, and carrying constantly was more difficult than I expected. We ended the day sore and a little apprehensive about doing it again for the next couple of days. When we went back the next day, we made a new system and had a ton of fun talking, laughing, and doing hard work. The third day taught me that I’m actually doing service for the Lord and his people. It was cool to see the transformation in my mindset in just three days, from exhaustion to perseverance. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to serve and help out Hume SoCal!
-Ruth Visser (current student)

What can I say? This week was amazing! From hard labor to letting it loose in karaoke, this trip had it all. It was super fun to serve Hume SoCal in ways that helped improve their camp and further their ministry. Bob (the head director of Hume SoCal) helped us to feel so important in what we felt was such a small dent in helping repair or improve the camp through his thankful spirit. This made me feel so appreciated and loved, so I am so very thankful for him. The work was pretty hard; I did a lot of heavy lifting. But the payout was so worth it for kids to have a safe and clean environment in which they are drawn closer to our Great God. I was so honored that I could serve Hume SoCal this week and that we could work to help better the camp!! Now, onto the crazy stuff… karaoke. Karaoke was a blast. I laid down some crazy toons known as “At Last I See the Light” from Tangled, Baby by Justin Bieber, Someone Like You by Adele, and Let it Snow by Christmas. All of these were group efforts, of course. I am proud to say that my friend Ruth and I got first place for “At Last I See the Light.” Which of course, was a spectacular performance if I do say so myself. This is all thanks to Ruth’s incredible voice, which carried. We scored a 10/10, which is not too shabby. To conclude this entry, this week was amazing. I am so grateful I was able to serve my God, serve others, and just have fun. I am so thankful for Joshua and am excited to see what else lies in store.
“Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel,” Philippians 1:27 ESV.
-Lizzie Luke (current student)

Hey what’s up dudes! I’m Stevie and I would love to share with you my experience at Hume SoCal. Our main purpose at Hume was to help set up and clean up for the nextt campers. I’m not gonna lie it was rough and doing a bunch of heavy lifting was not it either. Once I reminded myself that this was being done for God’s glory it was totally worth it. Another plus was my team was legit, I had Kara, Peyton, and the man himslf Dallas DeWitt. When we were done working the first couple of nights, we spent our time at this hill with a beautiful view. I even got some alone time with Jesus and He just reminded me alot of things and at the end of our time I was in tears. The rest of the time I had really great conversations with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Last but not least there was a game room that had pool and I am the best no one can beat me (:
May God’s grace and peace be with whoever reads this!
-Stevie (Current student)