

Passion for People

Currently the weather down at Hume has been relatively dry! This past weekend we had rain and now most of the snow is now gone. It is really sad to see all the beautiful snow go but it does make getting down the hill when we are walking to work A LOT easier! This Monday our local Dungeons and Dragons man Chad decided to host a group for a bunch of guys including, Matt Wolff,

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Intellectual Talks and Good Snacks

Hello Blog Readers! It’s Unique & Grace, back at it again with another blog post. I hope everyone’s week has been super fantastic, as you dive into what ours has looked like. The beginning started off pretty slow, not gonna lie, as we finished up a three day work weekend; sadly, winter camp is coming to a close, we only have two left! Our speaker this week was Kent Sparks and let me tell you,

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Kent Sparks and Pushups

Hello everybody, we are having a blast up here at Joshua. This is the part of the year when everything ramps up and everyone gets a little stressed. This is also the part of the year where everybody becomes comfortable. We have to come together and constantly encourage and push each other. We will all be great if we can do that. I just passed my Philippians test so now I have more time to

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Fancy Tube Run!

Hello bloggers! Tonight was a real night to remember! This week has been one for the ages! Tonight was a ton of fun! We had a theme dinner and it was a blast!  Amy made tri-tip and amazing mashed potatoes! They were so good! Bob also gave us a talk on GMOs! They are everywhere! We can’t escape them! The only way to get away from GMOs is to drink water and spend a lot

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Previews and Brad Bell!

Hey what’s up you guys! This week was a doozy, we are just getting back into our routine from being back from the DR, and this weekend we had work as usual, but it was a little different because it was a three day camp! I was working in the OK Chalet and it was so fun! Then today, the previews arrived, and we are so excited to show them what Joshua is about! Girls

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Re-adjusting Back to California Life

Hey guys! It’s been a crazy week of trying to readjust to California time. I have slept way too much and have studied way too little. It’s all good though I’m not stressed… Anyways it has been a smooth transition back into the building and I’m just excited that we’re back to a normal schedule and I’m not as sick as I was in the Dominican Republic! I’ve been enjoying my Dominican coffee and hanging

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